Perceptions: Yours, Your Baby's & God's
According to Scripture, a mother is ...
- Safe
- Psalm 22: 9
- "Yet it was you who took me from the womb; you kept me safe on my mother's breast."
- I would much rather be a person to provide a place of safety during chaotic moments than for me to be a provide a place of fearful, upsetting reactions when I feel like I am experiencing chaotic moments.
- I would much rather my baby experience my safe words even if we both feel rattled by a rough day than for him to experience cursing, screaming, yelling or even grumbling because internally I am unhappy with a current set of temporary circumstances.
- I would much rather see my baby look at me for comfort and happiness during his frustration, sadness, anger rather than look away from me to seek happiness from his toys or to look at me with fear.
- When my baby looks at me, I want him to feel that "she is safe"...What my baby doesn't understand or know how to communicate may frustrate him but "momma is safe and can help me".."momma can help make it better" are truths I want to establish for him rather than my baby feeling helpless.
- Maybe you, too, can write how you would like for your baby or child to feel safe. When I realize how I want to provide a safe emotional place for my baby, than it motivates me more to work towards finding effective ways to regulate my emotions and empty my "stress bucket" so that I can work through negative emotions effectively.
- Happy
- Proverbs 31:28
- "Her children rise up and call her happy" . The Lord wants you to be happy and so do your children.
- Are you happy?
- We all feel various emotions. But, your overall happiness is important. You are important.
- Precious Seconds of Your Time--Fleeting moments can contain thoughts of gratitude and positivity or thoughts of chain-linked negativity and pessimism. Sometimes I can feel myself getting "trapped" in a sudden series of pity moments or negative thinking when I can hardly function during my baby son's crying while there's a bunch of dishes to be washed as lunch is cooking and the cat won't stop meowing and other subconscious thoughts are bubbling on the back burner of my brain (whew! Needed to take a breath after that sentence alone! ha). To just stop, recognize what I am feeling or thinking, "separate" myself from the present moment (by looking out the window, taking a couple of deep breaths, using positive "self-talk") takes my train of thought and gears it towards positive thoughts and responses. instead of negative thoughts and reactions.
- 1-2 Hours of Your Time--I noticed I feel happier when I settle into a rhythmic routine and do activities that make the most of my time in restoring my energy. For instance, blogging/ journaling/ reading definitely rewards me with restorative energy more than the same amount of time spent on social media.
- Days of Your Time--Are you taking care of yourself?
- I think of referring to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid when I'm "not feeling like myself" or feel in disarray. I am thinking about taping this to my fridge and/or in my journal to look at. I cannot think about having an important discussion with my husband or how I feel bored when I am dehydrated, for instance. Sometimes I become dehydrated but get distracted by other things on my mind and I think the same goes for a lot of people. Then I try to achieve other things higher up on the hierarchy while ignoring my hunger, thirst or need for sleep.
Here's a pyramid that is more in-depth. It explains that if the higher needs are trying to be fulfilled before the basic needs are, we become frustrated. When we focus on fulfilling the basic needs first, our frustration subsides.