"Housewife" or "Homemaker" is a term coined for women who stay home to maintain the house and surrounding responsibilities regarding life in the home; and for women with children who stay at home: the "stay-at-home mom" or SAHM usually labels our role.
My husband titled my role in our home as a "house manager". (haha --he works as a general manager of a store and so he recognizes that my role here at home is just as important).
Summary of this Post:
Despite the many responsibilities, our roles & responsibilities can leave many women with a sense of presiding over meaningless, overwhelming duties while having to prove to the world that their role in the home has importance and purpose.
This post is intended to shift the typical perspectives homemakers/ housewives/ house managers slide into because of expectations that are often placed on them from society and culture.
A Happy Home
"I think I can understand that feeling about a housewife's work being like that of Sisyphus (who was the stone rolling gentleman). But it is surely, in reality, the most important work in the world. What do ships, railways, mines, cars, government, etc. exist for except that people may be fed, warmed, and safe in their own homes? As Dr. Johnson said, "To be happy at home is the end of all human endeavor." (1st to be happy to prepare for being happy in our own real Home hereafter: 2nd, in the meantime, to be happy in our houses.) We wage war in order to have peace, we work in order to have leisure, we produce food in order to eat it. So your job is the one for which all others exist." --from a letter to Mrs. Johnson in 1955 from C.S. Lewis.
This isn't an ordinary "this is how you do it" cleaning, organizing kind of book. Melissa focuses on the
creation of a home rather than a maintenance of a house. She encourages readers to acknowledge
concepts like beauty, gratitude, and joy while maintaining your home. It's fun to read; not another
stressful task to tack onto your to-do list.
You'll find words like this in its pages....
Talk about perspective shifting...this thin book imports beautiful words to relish while looking at
mundane housework and responsibilities in a new light. Kathleen Norris wrote a book that creates a
sense of relaxation while reading about the ordinary!
You'll find words like this in its pages....
Also, let me introduce you to....
These YouTubers:
Here are two women who videotape their homemaker lives while incorporating positive
perspective taking of their roles and responsibilities...
(Link Here:) My Interior Inspirations - YouTube
Lisa shares how women can transform their homes into sanctuaries of rest, joy, &
Alana gives a glimpse into how she uses her positive attitude and her qualities to impact her
husband and children's lives while living out her daily responsibilities.
These resources have nevertheless impacted the way I perceive my roles and responsibilities.
Stressful Perception :
*Asking myself, "What's on my to-do list?" or "What needs to get done today?" invokes a
stressful reaction in me and I can feel my body tense up.
Relaxing Perception:
*Asking myself, "How can I best support my husband and love my son today?" (through the ways I
spend my time) encourages my mind & body to sync up with my heart in expressing the love I already
have for them.
So that changes my priorities also: Food, clothes, and safety are my priorities and the
tasks that envelope them shape the purpose behind them: It's not just a meal on the table, it's providing
sustenance and nutrition as it helps shape their health. Even if my 6-month old son is yelling, (as I teach
him proper communication: "hungry","more") it is evidence of urgency and importance he needs
nutritious food. This takes precedence over dirty dishes and there is meaning there.
Then I proceed to refer to a written list if I need to organize my thoughts or refer to other
organization methods. This topic might funnel into a separate post.
Let's not neglect time to sit, reflect, journal, and read (or listen to) meaningful words. What we put
into our homes is a continuous cycle of what comes out from ourselves.
>> Inner chaos will only breed outer chaos.<<
We can have the best intentions and serve others, but can get lost in the chaos as we end up becoming task-oriented and accomplishment-seeking individuals.
>>Driven, hard-working women everywhere of every tongue, even in literature, can get caught up with
satisfying their desire for accomplishment above their need for rest. <<
Consider Martha, who demonstrates how easy it is to get caught up in the whirlwind of maintaining a house while selflessly placing hospitality and cleanliness first . She was close to her breaking point in the short passage of Luke.
(Luke 10:38-42).
To conclude...
And so..I want to leave you with this upbeat song from Sia. (It's so energetic to rock out to while you go about your awesome day...)
Like Sia says...
(claim the meaning of the lyrics as your own):
refuse to let the negativity, stress, tension and your old perspective on home-making/ housekeeping get
you down!