5-Minute Energy Blips



Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition:

"something relatively small within a larger context"

This post features:

Energy-packed activities you can incorporate into blips of time throughout your day.


We turn a new leaf in life when a child is born. Our priorities, schedules, and perhaps even interests or goals shift from our own to our child's well-being.

Our energy tank can go from full to empty in a matter of hours or less. Instead of filling up on natural energy, our fatigue drives us to fill up our coffee cups for an instant boost so we can juggle our responsibilities and hope we can keep the pet fish alive.

Can you relate?

The Stress-Cup Analogy

A useful analogy to visualize this concept is one in which we're holding a cup (if your holding your coffee cup, you get a concrete visual ha! ) which represents your emotional and mental capacity.

    If nothing but emotional and mental stressors are being poured into our "cups", then when other stressors press upon us, we react from an overflowing amount of stress, which can result in:
snippy snappy behavior towards others around us.

     Instead of "refilling" our cups with emotional and mental energizing activities, we might fill our cups with more coffee and quick fixes like fast food or media binging when we finally recognize our overflowing stress. These make us feel good but do not restore our mental or emotional energy.

We may have "poured" out a bit of stress, but our cup still looks like this:

Incorporating coping skills ( i.e. deep breaths, positive self-talk ) and engaging in simple energy-boosting activities are some ways to empty your cup of stress and restore your energy.

Many resources point to the following activities in releasing stress and here is where it is modified to meet our needs as Mommas. (in other words, I've pulled various activities from multiple sources referenced at the bottom of the page and I myself have modified them to how a mother might adapt them to her new lifestyle.)

Sunlight + Fresh Air

"Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused." 1

Step out on your patio, deck, backyard and for 5 minutes soak in some sun rays!

Take a few deep breaths and look around you.

Consider making this a daily routine even when stress isn't knocking at your door. As the days go on, you and baby can tack on longer time to this routine and work it around the feeding, diapering and day-to-day activities.

Downward Dogs + Child's Pose

Check out these 5-minute yoga videos on YouTube. (they're free & you can do them at home)

Other search recommendations include;

"postpartum yoga"
"yoga for nursing mothers"
"baby and me yoga" (**check to make sure it's safe and age appropriate first for your little one**)
videos are all on YouTube.

Why do it? In addition to multiple health benefits, "Some studies have found that yoga, which uses various postures and deep breathing for exercise and meditation, can be an excellent fatigue fighter."

Music + Movement

"Sing like no one can hear you and dance like nobody's watching" ...except your kiddo and he or she might get a kick out of it.

Sing & dance while your cooking, cleaning, taking care of the baby. Let yourself be creative and have fun!

"Scientists say that singing can have a calming but energizing effect on people. Singing can help tame stress but also lift the spirits. Singing is a natural antidepressant."3 Also, the kind of music you listen to has an effect on your mood according to this article:

You + Baby

Read, play, cuddle, try to make them laugh and just show some TLC while having fun yourself!

"Nature has programmed mothers as well as their infants to have a “falling in love” experience through secure attachment. The joy you experience as you connect with your infant goes a long way to relieve fatigue from lack of sleep and the stress of learning how to care for your baby. The bonding process releases endorphins in your body that motivate you, give you energy, and make you feel happy. Creating a secure attachment with your infant may take a little effort, but the rewards are huge for both of you."6

Look for these opportunities throughout your day, especially when you notice your "cup" filling up. Fighting fatigue, stress, and high demands isn't easy.

The restorative energy you need is within reach.

These practices might not perfect your day, but they will help make the day better for you (and your baby).

Here's a little something to help you dance and boogey your way to your next endeavor...

  1. Logan, Jenny. How Can We Use the Stress Bucket analogy to support good mental health? Link provided
  2. Nail, Rachel. (2019). What are the Benefits of Sunlight? :Link provided
  3. Pichardo, Gabriela. (2020). 10 Ways to Books Your Energy in 10 Minutes : Link provided
  4. The Health Benefits of Singing a Tune: Chigago Tribune : Link provided
  5. Smith, Jessica. (2012). 11 All-Natural Ways to Boost Energy Level Instantly. Shape Magazine.Link provided
  6. Holistic and Eco-Living. (2013). Music, Energy, and Mood. Link provided
  7. Robinson, Lawrence; Saisan, Joanna; Smith, Melinda; and Segal, Jeanne. (2020). Building a Secure Attachment Bond with Your Baby. Link provided.
